We’re rolling our two events into a single monstrous ball of fur and horns. The KRAMPUS RUN (6-7PM) KRAMPUS BALL (from 7pm)
The LA Krampus Run & Krampus Ball
December 7, 2019
At Alpine Village

December 7, 2019
The Alpine Village
833 W Torrance Blvd
Torrance, CA 90502
7pm: Doors
7-9pm: Food, Drink, Roving Performers
9pm – Midnight: Stage Show
No tickets will be available at the door.
KRAMMPSTEIN Industrial metal gods Rammstein incarnated as Krampus!
ROSEMARYS BILLYGOAT Mad metal costume-rock devilry!
HAMMERSTEIN BAND Polka party from the Krampus’ homeland!
TOTENDANSE A musical medievalists dancing with a horse skull!
The annual Krampus Run will take place outside the ballroom from 6-7. (See “Krampus Run” below for details”)
If you’ve purchased a pre-sale ticket, you can go directly from the Krampus Run to the ballroom to have a drink at the bar, enjoy a sampling of Alpine Village’s German cuisine, and browse through the wares in our Krampus-inspired artisan row (vendors below). Vendor sales will continue throughout the event. You will also be entertained by roving performances from…
TOTTENDANSE, a troupe of musicians, dancers, and other entertainers inspired by the danse macabre of the Middle Ages accompanied by a Mari Lwyd, the horse-skull mummer’s figure from Welsh Christmas tradition.
Our first stage act is Hammerstein fronted by Bavarian-born Andreas Becket and offering everything from boot-stomping polkas to tears-in-your-beer ballads of Liebe gone wrong. They’ll also provide some on-the-fly dance lessons and some darker takes on traditional Christmas songs. The 4-piece ensemble boasts award winning classical musicians, seasoned studio pros and an academically trained ethnomusicologist, but they still haven’t forgotten how to party like a drunken goatherd at Oktoberfest.
Our second act, fronted by Mike Odd balances cartoonish goofs with wickedly effective horror-metal, Rosemary’s Billygoat creates a fire-breathing psychotronic circus of a stage show with mammoth props, costumed stunts, and other devilry that would make the Krampus proud.
Headlining tonight will be this inexplicably weird but oh-so-right hybridization of German industrial-metal gods Rammstein and everyone’s favorite Yule devil. Outfitted in leather, fur, horns, and masks, the band tears through an apocalyptic stage show, churning out Rammstein hits lyrically reworked to obsessively detail the child-beating lifestyle of the Krampus. Dazzling stage-show effects, infernal lighting, and Christmas cookies compliment the spectacle.
While your best chance to catch the horned throng would be at the Krampuslauf preceding the ball, it’s rumored that a costumed contingent from KRAMPUS LOS ANGELES will may show up to chase you around the dance floor.
You’re also invited to come in costume. Though it’s not a requirement, it seems we can hardly stop our guests from consistently showing up in amazing array costumes portraying Krampus, the Krampus-adjacent, and other original takes on the theme. Arrive early to allow yourself exchange pleasantries and snap shots with our guests turned out in their diabolically festive yuletide best.
The show will be emceed as usual by FESTMEISTER HANS, Oktoberfest host, impressario, and LA’s favorite German-about-town.
FOOD AND DRINK: The bars will be open throughout the evening. Full menu available until 10pm, appetizers until 11pm.
AGES: Under 18 ok with adult guardian before 10pm. 18+ after 10pm.
Bat in Your Belfry, Drakenstein Art, Miss Formaldehyde, Tee No Evil, Zombolina, Ghoulish Bunny, and merchandise from KRAMPUS LOS ANGELES, KRAMMPSTEIN & ROSEMARY’S BILLYGOAT . The folklore/history book The Krampus and the Old, Dark Christmas by Krampus LA organizer Al Ridenour, will also be available for sale in the admissions area.

December 7, 2019
The Alpine Village
833 W Torrance Blvd
Torrance, CA 90502
(Free, All Ages, Outdoor Event)
In our new setting for the Krampus Run, your encounter with the costumed monsters of Krampus Los Angeles will be the closest thing yet to the experience you’d enjoy in a little town in the Alps. Not only will the festivities take place amid the faux-Bavarian splendor of Alpine Village’s chalet-styled shops and chapel, but we’re also going to MAKE IT SNOW. Or at least enough snow for you to snap a picture that might convince your friends you snuck off for a secret European vacation. Leaving the urban fishbowl we’ve been using in downtown Los Angeles creates more space, more twists, turns, and hiding places for chases and for surprises encounters with switch-bearing devils.
For the uninitiated, the Krampus Run (Krampuslauf) is not really a “run” and not quite a parade but more of an interactive ruckus featuring a couple dozen yuletide devils and mountain spirits in handcrafted costumes. (Beware the towering Habergeiss, demon goat of Alpine legend!).
It begins at the stroke of 6, when St. Nicholas emerges from the quaint onion-domed chapel with a warning for the unrighteous and their just deserts approaching. Then comes sound of bells clattering on dozens of Krampus belts moments before the devils explode into the crowd. Naughty hipsters can expect much-deserved swattings, while children and more timid grown-ups can expect more gentle interactions. All is under control of the stern but benevolent old saint, who at 7pm calls back the Krampus and ends the Krampuslauf.
We’re always looking for participants, whether that be Krampus wranglers or costumed beasties. But we need to know who’s playing with us, so please be sure to get in touch with us early (before December 1) so we can coordinate. Please email for info.