Krampus Mask-making Workshops for 2016

Good Krampus masks are not easy to come by in the US. The few mass-produced masks made here are sadly lacking.

Buying an authentic mask from a German-speaking vendor overseas can be daunting as well as expensive ($300-700 and shockingly expensive to ship.)

Many consider making their own masks, but have difficulty sourcing the appropriate materials and sculpting a mask they are happy with.

Our mask-making workshop does not rely on sculpting skills but takes more of a kit-assembly approach that ensures the quality of the end result while allowing you the ability to create your own custom look.  Kits include a selection of paintable pre-cast resin faces, ears, teeth, and tongues, a selection of fur colors, as well as authentic goat, ram, or springbok horns.


LOS ANGELES DATE: 1-5pm, Sunday, November 6. (Brooklyn and San Francisco dates will also be available.)

PLACE: Location in Pasadena TBA.

COST: $300.  ($150 for materials, $150 for instruction).

ENROLLMENT:  Email for details including address and deposit. Please contact us ASAP if interested as enrollment for this class is limited to 10 students. A second LA date may be added if there is sufficient demand.

Workshops will be lead by Krampus LA director and author of the upcoming The Krampus and the Old Dark Christmas, Al Ridenour and art school instructor and manager Lauren Church.

Some of Ridenour’s creations for Krampus Los Angeles.

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