Our visiting friends from the Moor Troupe from Maishofen, Austria, are interested in selling some of their masks and suits to avoid paying the costs of bringing them back. If you have ever considered buying authentic costume elements from Europe, this would be an opportunity not only to purchase them without paying the exorbitant transatlantic shipping costs, but to see them in person before buying. Come to the Krampuslauf, Thursday, December 10, if interested, and ask one of our Krampus wranglers to introduce you to Al or Mike. As the troupe would like to sell them before returning, prices are lower than normal for authentic gear, even for used items. Having the cash on hand at the event may get you an additional discount. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to mail us.

Animal hide suit $370. Carved wooden mask with plastic horns $580

Goat hide suit. $380

Wooden mask, real cow horns $550

Rare aluminum mask with real goat horns $1000

Wooden mask $530
Other masks, suits, belts, or flails may also be available. Here’s what the Moorpass will be wearing at the Krampuslauf, some of which may be able to talk them out of bringing back.