More details forthcoming, but for now the basics…
The Krampus: Presentation with Costumed Catwalk
Saturday, November 29, 2014: Krampus folklore explained and illustrated with a festive stream of rare images, film clips, and walk-ons by costumed members of the Krampus LA Troupe. Over a dozen costumes, many never-before seen! More details TBA.
The Krampus Ball
Saturday, December 6, 2014: Krammpstein, D’Oberlandler Bavarian Dancers, Rasputin’s Marionettes, German cabaret from Christina Linhardt and a fearsome visit by not only our indigenous Krampus, but also several of the real thing from Austria. Same lodge-style venue as 2013. Imaginative and comfortable Krampus-light costuming encouraged. More details TBA.
Krampus at the Echo Park Community Parade
Saturday, December 13, 2014, (11am): The Krampus LA Troupe, a steam-powered Krampus-driven vehicle, and the first Austrian Krampuses to visit North America — several members of: The Alt Gnigler Krampus Troupe! More details TBA.
St. Nicholas 1888: A Kinder-Horror Holiday
Saturday, December 13, 2014, (Evening): Celebrating the sterner side of Christmas with a traditional Austrian Krampus play from the 1880s presented alongside the child-rearing terrors of “Der Struwwelpeter” (“Shockheaded Peter”). All set in a historic building of the era! Costume event: period clothing, festive or grim encouraged. More details TBA.
(Past Events: 2013)

Krampus LA romps at Copro Gallery. Photo: Paul Koudounaris.