About Krampus Los Angeles


Krampusfest is a multi-venue event featuring art, live performance, music, talks, and video exploring the Krampus tradition.

Events for 2013 will take place around the traditional dates of December 5-6. The art exhibition will remain up longer.

One of the Krampusfest events will be the Krampus Run (below).


The Los Angeles Krampus Run is based on the European tradition of the Krampuslauf in which costumed Krampuses take to public streets waving switches. rattling chains and bells and otherwise playfully menacing onlookers with threat of “punishment” for the “sins” of the previous year.

Though the exact time and route cannot at this point be revealed, what can be confirmed is that the Los Angeles Krampus Run will be staged by a troupe working together for months to prepare painstakingly detailed and largely traditional costumes, and that the event be conducted along largely traditional lines. In addition to the actual Krampus Run on public streets, the Krampus Run troupe will appear as performers at venues where Krampus Fest events are held.

LA Krampus run participants follow guidelines of performance and behavior that have worked in Europe for decades, and in some cases, centuries, striving for fearsome appearance while maintaining a restrained level of physical contact with a careful eye toward onlooker response.

If you have skills in costuming or fabrication and are ready to attend workshops and work cooperatively as a Krampus Run participant, please get in touch.

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